Why I run….

Overload – Walshy

30.04.2011 Final of 3 benchmark workouts. 100 burpees for time Time 02.04.2011 = 8.15 Time 30.04.2011 = 7.14 Good quick workout.  HRM Stats: Cals burnt: 162 Ave HR: 178

Overload “Justin” take 2

26.04.2011 4 weeks ago we did a set of benchmark workouts and today we repeated the first of the set: “Justin” For time complete: 26 Burpees 51 Deadlifts (Bar + 40kg) 51 Push ups 51 Box Jumps 51 Thrusters (15kg SB) 51 Leg Raises (15kg SB) 26 Burpees Time 29.03.2011 = 16.54 Time today = … Continue reading

Overload “Shots”

23.04.2011 That’s right – shots! And yes, I do mean of the tequila kind. Today’s workout was “in preparation” you could say for next weeks leaving drinks for one of our trainers (booooo :() We were to get into teams of 3, guys against girls, and do the workouts below and whichever team took out … Continue reading

Finding the calm

Most people who know me know that 90%+ of the time I am pretty crazy hyper and full of energy (and the rest of the time? tired and grumpy, but that’s another story :)). Recently I have started doing body balance at Les Mills once or twice a week as a way to unload my … Continue reading

Fitness Test Week 8

Today Leah and I got together once again for our 4 weekly fitness test.  We were both feeling a little ho-hum about the whole thing to be honest, with both of us not really feeling like we would have improved much and with the last test feeling like it wasn’t that long ago! My previous … Continue reading

What do you eat?

I have had a couple of requests for a few example meal plans of what I eat, and what to aim to eat to lose weight. As I have mentioned many times before, for me the food is the tough part for me in the weight loss equation.  But, that’s not to say I don’t … Continue reading


07.04.2011 Kettle bell complex: KB Swing KBSDLHP KB Push Press 4min of each with 30sec rest in between (12kg bell) WOD: Row 510m (1min 49secs) MB Slam x51 Goblet Squat x51 TRX Row x51 Push up x51 SB Thruster x51 SB OH Lunge x51 Every time the Buzzer went (1min intervals) after the Row/Slam you had … Continue reading

The science behind weight loss

I love logic.  I love black or white, here is a problem and here is the answer or possible combination of answers to it based on this, this and this. Thus, I like knowing the science behind weight loss and how your body actually loses weight. Since starting the 12wbt, I have been counting calories.  … Continue reading

I remember why I like winter!

This week has been the first week since the clocks turned back and thus daylight savings ended.  And BRR, did it end with a vengeance.  I know I’m not the only one who will agree today was fr-fr-freeezing!  I think I read it was a high of 10degrees?!  That’s crazy after the fabulous weekend weather … Continue reading